Entering the warm church the children sat at the front with Margaret, intrigued by the hand puppet with a squeaky beak she was holding. A lovely version of the Nativity story followed with lots of interaction with the children. Everyone joined in singing Christmas songs after. A hush fell over the church as children heard jingle bells and a ‘ho, ho, ho’. Looking up at the balcony, Father Christmas appeared, and waved to everyone, his jolly laugh filling the air. They watched, dazzled as he made his way down to the front carrying a big red sack and gave a gift to each child, adding more magic to the moment. Waving goodbye to Father Christmas children were then invited to the alter, where the nativity scene is displayed and received a Christmas tree chocolate decoration.
Earlier in the week there were lots of Christmas crafts to make and a very muddy walk along the railway track to find moss for their bulbs to go in the children’s Christmas box.