
And the fascination with mud and paint continues……. Adventures in peeling. A worthwhile skill for children to learn and is good for the muscles in the hand and arm. Requiring persistence and problem solving the children concentrated and worked really hard. The children used their imagination mixing potions as they made all kinds of wonderful […]

Thank you Lucy for bringing in some tadpoles. It was lovely to see the excitement on the faces of the children when they saw them in the tank. Exploring and learning about life cycles through observation and illustration is important for children to help them respect and care for the living things round them. After

When outside, all of a child’s senses are stimulated and there is direct contact with the weather, seasons and natural world. The children definitely experienced all of this throughout the week. From finding a birds nest, looking for insects, planting, washing, cleaning and painting. We did find a little time to play though.

There was plenty of outdoor experiences for children’s learning and development this week. Making contact with the natural world the children sheltered from the wind, rain and hailstones. A visit to Abbotsbury Subtropical Gardens on Thursday provided the children with space, both upwards and outwards, places to explore, experiment, discover, be active and healthy, and

Creating different patterns, lines, textures and shapes, the children needed little encouragement to create marks using their fingers to draw in the flour, use balls for marble rolling, paint pebbles, leaves, wooden posts, and anything else stationary. Mark making is crucial for a child’s development and learning. It not only teaches young children how to

Mud and water was on demand this week. ‘Cooking’ with it in the mud kitchen, painting with it to make hand prints, planting sunflowers, and looking for signs of life in it were some of the activities the children experienced. The children also enjoyed ‘Hapa Zome’. Using mallets to pound leaves and petals to make

A week of exciting Easter activities enabled the children to practice their fine and gross motor skills. Making nests, rolling play dough, hiding eggs and using scissors helps the growth and strengthening of children’s bones, muscles and ability to move and touch their surroundings. Some children loved the new stepping stones at the allotments and

Following on from the children’s interest in boats after Marj read them a story, a ‘boat’ was built at the allotments. Lots of fish were caught, mainly sharks. Noticing that the church bells were ringing the children observed the minute silence after we explained about the National Day of Reflection on anniversary of first lock

At Forest school this week the children found some sticks and collected different natural items from the floor. After attaching their items on the end of the stick with string, elastic bands or ribbon they made wands. A very long fat worm captured the children’s interest and they carefully made a home for it. Through

Children filled buckets up with flowers, leaves and feathers this week to make cards and pictures for the special people in their lives. They also cut out pictures of flowers to stick on, and painted and printed daffodils. It was great to see everyone back this week and get to know a few new children.

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