There was plenty of flower arranging as the children played with and rearranged the flowers ready to buy and sell in their shop. As shop keepers and customers they used language related to buying and selling. Creating a flower shop exposed the children to vibrant and beautiful colours. Using mega blocks and wooden blocks to […]
Helping Marj to plant broad beans this week led to more activities to acknowledge the signs of spring. Crafting daffodil paper straws and creating daffodils out of Lego pieces were not only fun but also promoted fine motor skills and creativity. Playing a guessing game with yellow objects adds an element of cognitive development as
Making pancakes, pancake races, tossing pancakes, reading stories about pancakes and eating pancakes. The children just love pancakes, especially the ones they made and Marj cooked. A simple and fun introduction to Lunar New Year celebrations included ‘The Great Race’. A story of the Chinese zodiac. Children used the animals to act out the race.
As it was the RSPB big garden bird watch last weekend we decided to plan lots of ‘bird’ related activities. To encourage more birds at the allotments the children made homemade bird feeders and hung them up. Children identified different seeds as they fell onto the table whilst they filled up the feeder. Making nests
Painting the fallen branches and sticks after storm Isha and Jocelyn provided a different experience for the children to explore. Fine motor skills and gross motor skills were encouraged as the children had to reach and stretch to cover different parts of the branches. Using their imagination the dinosaurs had various purposes this week. Trapping
This week we have been promoting good oral health while making the learning experience enjoyable and interactive for children. The children loved brushing the crocodiles teeth and model teeth to make them clean. This hands-on experience reinforces the concept of good oral hygiene. We read stories about dental care, visits to the dentist, and maintaining
There was plenty of opportunity this week for the children to find ice. Smashing it with mallets, painting it, watching it melt, and bathing farm animals in the water, were some of the activities offered. After waiting so long to open the Christmas presents from the ‘sleigh’ the children eagerly opened them, only to find
Our last day finally arrived and the excitement built as the children played pass-the-parcel, guessed who was under the blanket, and made pot pourri. In the afternoon the room resonated with the joyous melodies as everyone, young and old, came together to celebrate the spirit of the season and sing some Christmas songs. The highlight
Children’s Role Play Christmas Adventures began in earnest this week. Pretending to be Santa Claus delivering presents, making Christmas cards, decorations and wreaths were just some of the activities. Participating in role play Christmas scenarios can contribute to the development of crucial social skills. As children collaborate and interact with their peers during these make-believe
Despite all the snowing falling on Thursday but none to play with, the children happily played with our fake snow. Rescuing the animals, burying the animals and cover their hands and arms in it. Christmas has started to creep into the Pre-school now. Decorating the three Christmas trees, using Christmas cutter shapes in the playdough,