To keep the children cool as the temperatures rose this week lots of water play activities were offered. We created a ‘car wash’ and sold ‘ice creams’, washed dolls, painted with water and dodged Marj as she sprayed us with water. Other activities included chalk bashing, balancing on logs and pallets, snail hunting, making a […]
Finally after weeks of planning and preparation the celebrations began. After making their own scones the children added jam and clotted cream in true British style. Using strawberries, banana and blueberries the children made fruit kebabs in a red, white and blue pattern. Obviously the crowns they made had to be worn to the tea
Exploring media and materials this week to encourage large motor movements the children painted with water, mud, paint, brushes and sticks, on cloth, paper and wood. As well as bug hunting we had a magical mystery tour of the village, including stops at Auntie Marj’s trampoline, grassy bank slide, rock climbing, and a duck race
Well it was a mixed bag of weather we had this week! One day we needed sun hats and sun cream and made lemonade and washed the babies, the next it was wellies and waterproofs as we hunted for snails and fed the birds. Other activities included painting outside, tasting different foods e.g. licking a
Playing parachute games proved to be a favourite activity this week. Working together to move the parachute is a great way to develop gross motor skills. The children were fascinated with the slow worm we found in the garden. They used tape measures and rulers to see how long it was and some children gently
We had an extra special visitor to the Pre-school this week. The Easter Bunny! Spotting the ears the children went to investigate and found lots of Easter Eggs to collect in their baskets. The children also enjoyed decorating Easter egg shaped cards, painting the background scene for the display board and programming the Bee bots
On our way to the allotments the children noticed and admired the beautiful flowers growing in the boat, then picked some of the daisies growing in the grass. The children had great fun bouncing on the bouncy castle, and smashing the cornflakes to pieces. Thank you Bobby for bringing in the castle and cornflakes. Hammering
We had perfect weather for our trip on Monday to Abbotsbury Subtropical gardens. The children managed to walk all the way around the gardens, and we all made it across the Burma rope bridge. On Tuesday we took footballs, small balls and rackets to the playground for some additional fun. Using their fingers, the children